Layer Descriptions
Although our data includes a State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO) map unit polygon feature class,
this feature class is not available via a Web Map Service (WMS) or Web Feature Service (WFS) web service at this time. Data in the underlying
spatial data table (gsmmupolygon) may, however, be accessed via Structured Query Language (SQL) queries.
surveyareapoly![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) survey area status map polygon feature class (as opposed to our
SSURGO survey area boundary polygon feature class). Tabular attributes include survey area symbol
(sastatusmap.areasymbol), survey area name (sastatusmap.areaname), survey area publication status code
(sastatusmap.sapubstatuscode), survey area publication status name (sastatusmap.sapubstatusname), the
date and time when the corresponding record was last updated (sastatusmap.wlupdated), the map region
in which the corresponding survey area occurs (sastatusmap.mapregion), manuscript status code
(sastatusmap.manustatuscode), manuscript status name (sastatusmap.manustatusname), survey area version
number (sastatusmap.saversion), survey area version established date and time (sastatusmap.saverest)
and a Boolean value that indicates is data for the corresponding survey area is complete (sastatusmap.iscomplete).
For a GetMap request for this layer, polygon fill is solid. Brown fill indicates that spatial data
is available for the corresponding survey area and grey fill indicates that spatial data is not available
for the corresponding survey area.
surveyareapolytransparent![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) survey area status map polygon feature class (as opposed to our
SSURGO survey area boundary polygon feature class).
For a GetMap request for this layer, polygon fill is 75% transparent. Brown fill indicates that spatial
data is available for the corresponding survey area and grey fill indicates that spatial data is not
available for the corresponding survey area.
surveyareapolyoutline![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) survey area status map polygon feature class (as opposed to our
SSURGO survey area boundary polygon feature class).
For a GetMap request for this layer, there is no polygon fill.
mapunitpoly![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit polygon feature class. Within a survey area for which
spatial data is available, this feature class is required. Tabular attributes include survey area symbol
(mupolygon.areasymbol), survey area spatial version (mupolygon.spatialversion), map unit symbol
(mupolygon.musym) and map unit key (mupolygon.mukey).
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the related persistent AOI's area.
If "interpresultid" is specified then WFS will also return
rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString"
(for symbol color). In WMS the map features will be colored
according to the "RgbString".
mapunitpolyextended![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit polygon feature class. In addition to the tabular
attributes included for layer "mapunitpoly", each aggregated attribute in table "muaggatt" for the
corresponding map unit is also returned.
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the related persistent AOI's area.
If "interpresultid" is specified then WFS will also return
rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString"
(for symbol color). In WMS the map features will be colored
according to the "RgbString".
mapunitpolythematic![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit
polygon feature class rated for a selected soil property or interpretation, the
selection is performed within Web Soil Survey rather than through Soil Data Access.
In addition to the tabular attributes included for layer "mapunitpoly", rating
class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued classes),
"MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString" (for polygon
fill color) are also returned.
To access this Web Soil Survey data via either the WFS or WMS services
the "thematicmapid" must be specified. Only Web Mercator data and maps may be requested.
Interpretations may also be calculated through Soil Data Access. To access this data
the "interpresultid" must be specified.
mapunitline![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit line feature class. Within a survey area for which spatial
data is available, this feature class is optional. Tabular attributes include survey area symbol
(muline.areasymbol), survey area spatial version (muline.spatialversion), map unit symbol
(muline.musym) and map unit key (muline.mukey).
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the related persistent AOI's area.
If "interpresultid" is specified then WFS will also return
rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString"
(for symbol color). In WMS the map features will be colored
according to the "RgbString".
mapunitlineextended![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit line feature class. In addition to the tabular attributes
included for layer "mapunitline", each aggregated attribute in table "muaggatt" for the corresponding
map unit is also returned.
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the related persistent AOI's area.
If "interpresultid" is specified then WFS will also return
rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString"
(for symbol color). In WMS the map features will be colored
according to the "RgbString".
mapunitlinethematic![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit line feature class rated for a selected soil property or interpretation,
the selection is performed within Web Soil Survey rather than through Soil Data Access.
In addition to the tabular attributes included for layer "mapunitline", rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString" (for line color) are also returned.
To access this Web Soil Survey data via either the WFS or WMS services
the "thematicmapid" must be specified. Only Web Mercator data and maps may be requested.
Interpretations may also be calculated through Soil Data Access. To access this data
the "interpresultid" must be specified.
mapunitpoint![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit point feature class. Within a survey area for which
spatial data is available, this feature class is optional. Tabular attributes include survey area symbol
(mupoint.areasymbol), survey area spatial version (mupoint.spatialversion), map unit symbol
(mupoint.musym) and map unit key (mupoint.mukey).
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the related persistent AOI's area.
If "interpresultid" is specified then WFS will also return
rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString"
(for symbol color). In WMS the map features will be colored
according to the "RgbString".
mapunitpointextended![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit point feature class. In addition to the tabular attributes
included for layer "mapunitpoint", each aggregated attribute in table "muaggatt" for the corresponding
map unit is also returned.
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the related persistent AOI's area.
If "interpresultid" is specified then WFS will also return
rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString"
(for symbol color). In WMS the map features will be colored
according to the "RgbString".
mapunitpointthematic![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) map unit point feature class rated for a selected soil property or interpretation,
the selection is performed within Web Soil Survey rather than through Soil Data Access.
In addition to the tabular attributes included for layer "mapunitpoint", rating class attributes "MapUnitRatingString" (for character-valued
classes), "MapUnitRatingNumeric" (for numeric-valued classes) and "RgbString" (for point symbol color) are also returned.
To access this Web Soil Survey data via either the WFS or WMS services
the "thematicmapid" must be specified. Only Web Mercator data and maps may be requested.
Interpretations may also be calculated through Soil Data Access. To access this data
the "interpresultid" must be specified.
featline![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) feature line class with extra description drawn from the
related feature description class. Tabular attributes include survey area symbol (featline.areasymbol),
survey area spatial version (featlines.spatialversion), a very short feature symbol (featline.featsym),
feature name (featdesc.featname) and feature description (featdesc.featdesc).
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the relaied persistent AOI's area.
featpoint![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer corresponds to our Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) feature point class with extra description drawn from the
related feature description class. Tabular attributes include survey area symbol (featpoint.areasymbol),
survey area spatial version (featpoint.spatialversion), a very short feature symbol (featpoint.featsym),
feature name (featdesc.featname) and feature description (featdesc.featdesc).
For either WFS or WMS services, if either "aoiid" or "interpresultid" are specified
the returned layer data are constrained to the relaied persistent AOI's area.
aoi![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This layer shows the oitline of an area of interest if "aoiid", "interpresultid" or "thematicmapid"
are specified for a WMS request. The outline is approximate (bounding rectangles around each
mapunit's polygonal data) in the case where the AOI is of type "mapunitkeylist".
aoihatched![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This is the same as the "aoi" layer except that the boundary is filled with a hatch.
aoilabeled![Back to Top](images/BackToTop.gif)
This is the same as the "aoi" layer except that if the AOI is "multipart"
the part names are used to label each part.