SDA provides direct access to a set of interrelated tables. These tables are related by a common key into parent and child pairs, these pairs form a tree with the "sacatalog" table at the "root" of the tree. A description of the columns follows this table of the pairs.
Depth | Parent Table | Key | Child Table |
0 | n/a | n/a | sacatalog |
1 | sacatalog | areasymbol | saspatialver |
1 | sacatalog | areasymbol | satabularver |
2 | saspatialver | areasymbol | featdesc |
2 | satabularver | areasymbol | legend |
2 | saspatialver | areasymbol | muline |
2 | saspatialver | areasymbol | mupoint |
2 | saspatialver | areasymbol | mupolygon |
2 | satabularver | areasymbol | sainterp |
2 | saspatialver | areasymbol | sapolygon |
3 | featdesc | featkey | featline |
3 | featdesc | featkey | featpoint |
3 | legend | lkey | laoverlap |
3 | legend | lkey | legendtext |
3 | legend | lkey | mapunit |
4 | mapunit | mukey | component |
4 | mapunit | mukey | muaggatt |
4 | mapunit | mukey | muaoverlap |
4 | mapunit | mukey | mucropyld |
4 | mapunit | mukey | mutext |
5 | component | cokey | chorizon |
5 | component | cokey | cocanopycover |
5 | component | cokey | cocropyld |
5 | component | cokey | codiagfeatures |
5 | component | cokey | coecoclass |
5 | component | cokey | coeplants |
5 | component | cokey | coerosionacc |
5 | component | cokey | coforprod |
5 | component | cokey | cogeomordesc |
5 | component | cokey | cohydriccriteria |
5 | component | cokey | cointerp |
5 | component | cokey | comonth |
5 | component | cokey | copmgrp |
5 | component | cokey | copwindbreak |
5 | component | cokey | corestrictions |
5 | component | cokey | cosurffrags |
5 | component | cokey | cotaxfmmin |
5 | component | cokey | cotaxmoistcl |
5 | component | cokey | cotext |
5 | component | cokey | cotreestomng |
5 | component | cokey | cotxfmother |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chaashto |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chconsistence |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chdesgnsuffix |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chfrags |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chpores |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chstructgrp |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chtext |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chtexturegrp |
6 | chorizon | chkey | chunified |
6 | coforprod | cofprodkey | coforprodo |
6 | copmgrp | copmgrpkey | copm |
6 | comonth | comonthkey | cosoilmoist |
6 | comonth | comonthkey | cosoiltemp |
6 | cogeomordesc | cogeomdkey | cosurfmorphgc |
6 | cogeomordesc | cogeomdkey | cosurfmorphhpp |
6 | cogeomordesc | cogeomdkey | cosurfmorphmr |
6 | cogeomordesc | cogeomdkey | cosurfmorphss |
7 | chstructgrp | chstructgrpkey | chstruct |
7 | chtexturegrp | chtgkey | chtexture |
8 | chtexture | chtkey | chtexturemod |